Applesauce (2015)
Alternatives to war
5 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Movie tells us what human beings do when someone takes their precious or most lovable thing from them that ruins their whole life.

It creates really funny scenes which are slowly making a change in Ron's head that whatever he thought of for alternative to war is wrong. He can't just negotiate if some one attacks and has ruined his life.

Revenge is the only option left he realizes but he used his own peculiar way. Don't know why though. Mixed thoughts can't put the movie review in simple words. It was worth to watch this movie.

The name isn't suitable to movie either. The actors acted really well specially the scene Ron's friends went to bathroom. Hilarious, in the end i would say adults must watch this movie as a couple don't watch it on double date. This can ruin friendships heehaws.
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