Adventures of Superman: Rescue (1952)
Season 1, Episode 9
Enjoyable, understated yet tense episode
5 December 2015
Personally, I thought this episode was quite well-done. It wasn't too fast-paced and action-packed - it felt more subtle and slow-going in nature, but I honestly really liked that about it. I like that they kept the premise simple here and didn't add anything flashy or weird, but executed what they had with finesse.

Only George Reeves and Phyllis Coates (my favorite Lois!) are in this one. No Perry White or Jimmy Olsen. I thought they both did a really good job. George didn't have nearly as much to do in this one as he usually does, but he was still really great - his charming, personable, earnest self. And as for Phyllis, here we see Lois being extremely impulsive and let's face it, just plain foolish, but I feel like we also got to see her incredible bravery and good heart. As a result, I managed to sympathize with Lois despite the extreme foolishness and even destructiveness of her actions. It's easy for Lois to come across as overly mean and fixated on personal success, but we don't see any of that here. Yeah, Lois was stupid and dangerously rash, but hey, she isn't exactly supposed to be perfect, and she wasn't even being selfish, just incredibly unwise.

Another great aspect of this episode was the impressive maintaining of tension, especially for a Superman episode. For most of the episode, Clark was off on another assignment while the townspeople were dealing with the increasingly bad mine situation. I enjoyed watching the ordinary people doing their best to deal with the situation using the means available to them, and the fact that they were actually depicted as competent and nearing success for the most part, until their efforts finally weren't enough. Amusement and tension were very effectively combined in having Clark Kent narrowly miss learning about the situation with Lois repeatedly! Of course, I guess I can see where that might be a tiny bit cringey too. I myself felt it was a bit of a "cheat" to have Clark unable to hear the radio, since he's supposed to have super-hearing...but I guess he has to "activate" his super-hearing, so it's not a total mess-up.

Of course, at the end of the day I guess it's still an episode about Superman just simply saving Lois from a predicament that was her own darn fault, so if that's not your bag, you probably won't like it. It wasn't perfect or anything, but for me it was definitely a good episode.

Oh, and this episode also wins a prize for having the most boring name possible. I mean, couldn't practically any episode be called "Rescue"?
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