Review of Rommel

Rommel (2012 TV Movie)
Well Done Bit of Television
7 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This is a well-made television movie about the last few months of German Field Marshall, Erwin Rommel. The film was shown on German television in Nov 2012.

This one starts several months before the allied invasion of June 6th, 1944. Rommel is in charge of putting the defences of the French coastline into shape. He does not have enough men or material to fortify the entire coast. So he must make an educated guess as to where the Allies will land. Most of the German Staff officers are sure it will be in the Calais area, Rommel though is leaning towards Normandy. Rommel, Ulrich Tuker, has to deal with his nominal superior in France, Field Marshall, Von Rundstedt (Hanns Zischler) and Adolf Hitler. (Johannes Silberschneider)

Hitler keeps interfering with Rommel's plans for the placement of the important armoured Panzer Divisions. Rommel wants them near the beaches for immediate counter-attacks. Hitler and the General staff think otherwise.

Rommel's chief of staff, General Speidel, (Benjamin Sadler) is approached by members of a group planning to overthrow Hitler and his mob. They want Speidel to broach the idea to Rommel of joining the plot. Rommel listens but is rather reluctant to join.

Rommel heads back to Germany to visit his wife on her birthday. Needless to say this happens to be June 6th. He has to rush back to France to take charge of the defenders. Of course Rommel is proved right about the location of the invasion. He is also proved correct about the Panzer Divisions being kept too far behind the front. It takes them days under constant air attack to reach the coast.

The German forces put up a stiff resistance, particularly against the British and Canadians. The losses though are difficult to replace and it is rapidly becoming a losing battle of attrition. Rommel now decides that Hitler does indeed need to be replaced. He agrees to join the coup, but not if there is an assassination of Adolf.

His offer to join goes nowhere as he is badly wounded the next day in a strafing attack by RAF Spitfires.

The July plot goes forward and there is an assassination attempt on Hitler. The coup collapses as Hitler survives the attack. The ringleaders of the plot are soon rounded up with most being shot immediately. The rest are in for a severe bit of questioning by the Gestapo and Security forces.

Rommel, (Tuker) has been recovering in a hospital in Germany. He knew nothing about the attempt on Hitler's life. He is however soon implicated in the plot. Adolf is not amused, but for political reasons wants to avoid a public trial. Rommel is offered a way to save his wife and son. He will take cyanide and his death will be said to have been from his wounds. He will get a full military funeral etc. Rommel agrees.

This is a nicely made bit of television with excellent period detail, solid acting and good direction. Well worth a watch.
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