Review of Closure

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Closure (2015)
Season 3, Episode 9
Step Up and Do the Damned Job
7 December 2015
What makes this show great is the lack of filler episodes, there is something new and interesting with each Ep.

What seems to be coming to a head is a thread started in the last Ep of Season 2 where Simmons got swallowed by a Rock. In S301, it shows where she went, and later the nature of where she went. But it is more than that, it weaves into the Inhumans storyline of S2 and even back to the first Captain America film where Red Skull abuses one of the Infinity Stones. It even relates to The Avengers films and also Guardians of the Galaxy somewhat. On one end are the infinity stones, which we will be seeing in the next set of Marvel films, but what Agents of SHIELD deals with is Hydra's place in this story (And of course, the Fate of SHIELD).

We've been assuming Hydra was an organization created by the Red Skull. But the level of fanaticism of Hydra agents could never be explained. And Grant Ward is the Ultimate Hydra True Believer, the ultimate fanatic.

In this episode and Episode 8, we now know that Hydra is most ancient and has a singular purpose, which is tied to the Sand-Planet somehow, we never knew it until now. We don't know much about what awaits on the Sand-Planet. But it appears that Hydra spirited away chunks of the portal that Daisy obliterated "for future use".

The only ones who really know how to use those are Fitz-Simmons, so we know they are involved, voluntarily or involuntarily. And even Ward's involvement is at the whim of another Madman, Gideon Malick, another true believer, played by the consummate professional bad-guy Powers Boothe. As he twists Ward to do his bidding, that's where we see the core of the Fanaticism of Hydra. And we know that he is lying to Ward somehow.

Ward of course shoved Coulsen off the deep end (purposely) and it seems that he knows exactly what Coulsen will do, which of course, he does, being the man he is. But there is one thing Ward could not predict, how far Coulsen will chase him to get what ends up being pure revenge.

I have my own predictions of what's going to happen in the next episode, but why worry about that, we'll know soon enough. But all I will say is that both Coulsen and Ward smash their i-Phones.

And, we still have Lash being held somewhere by Hydra, another loose Cannon, who it appears only has his own agenda: will he end up being an Ally or an Enemy- What's his place in this?
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