Don't Listen to the Haters! This is Pixar's Best Film Since Toy Story 3!
11 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get what your problems are people. Sure it's not a movie for all ages and it's very violent, sure it may not be Suitable For Younger Kids, and Sure it might not be remembered as well as Inside Out. BUT YOU LISTEN HERE. These 'Flaws' You have with the movies are actually it's strengths which The Good Dinosaur has. Do not be discouraged by these snobby haters, this movie is one of the most powerful films I have ever seen and will surely leave a great impact on you once you leave the theater! It's Marvelous! It's a Miracle! It's now one of my favorite movies!

First lets start off with the beginning. This movie acts like a Pre Historic Western. The whole film starts on a farm owned by Dinosaurs! That is new and original. I have never seen anything like this before and it surely wowed me. The characters I can connect to because it reminds me of my family. Our families have strengths and flaws like these characters do. Arlo goes through the most toughest of challenges and is hurt many times. But his pain is our suffering, he overcomes this greatly in the movie and by the very end, he is a more mature young dinosaur and gets the reward it deserves.

Speaking of Rewards, THIS MOVIE IS VERY REWARDING. Oh it's too violent Oh it's too adult Oh it's Immature BLAH BLAH BLAH. NO! This movie is super rewarding and is a tough movie to watch especially for kids. But by the end, they will look back on this experience and learn from what we saw. The whole thing is Pixar's most explicit film yes, but if you don't give it a chance, you will not understand and be covered by fat thick ignorance. I bet these people on here didn't give the movie a stinking chance, but for those who did, the filmmakers probably really appreciate it.

This is a powerful film and I cried lots at the end. Arlo and Spot are probably one of the best duos I have seen in any film. Their relationship is very complex. Arlo is very angry and hateful at the beginning to him but he is forgiving in the end and you want to see them accomplish what they set out for.

But I think everyone can agree that the animation is brilliant and the most realistic out of any Pixar Film to date. I thought I was looking at a animated live action hybrid at some points and that is good animating. The trees, the water, the landscapes, everything is done perfectly.

The only problem I did have with it was that the movie's Villains are very under developed. We barely see them and the movie wants us to think they are threatening which they are, but because everything is else is so well developed it should make sense they should be more developed! But no! They are mostly out of the spotlight for the rest of the movie until the end.

But the climax of the movie is awesome and stunning. There are barely any words spoken at the end of the movie and its last shot remains one of the greatest shots I have ever seen on film. Arlo as I mentioned does overcome his fears which is what we can all relate to. We can all relate to being scared by a lot of things and does the movie say we shouldn't be scared at all? No! The movie actually has this mature theme of even in the greatest moments of battle, you will always be scared. That's just genius and I'm glad they didn't go for some sugar coated bull like Oh don't be scared because that's wrong its OK To be scared!

So I think I have said enough for the movie. This movie is getting unfairly treated like The Hobbit Trilogy and should be respected more. Don't listen to these dumb haters who have no idea what they're talking about. The Good Dinosaur is one of the most powerful movies I have ever seen and has now become one of my all time favorite movies. If you see it, SEE IT WITH AN OPEN MIND! Don't be discouraged! If you didn't like it, Fine I can live with that. If you had some problems with it, That's OK! But don't crap on this movie just because it's not this or not that or whatever! Just watch it and see for yourself!

It's coming close to the end of the year and I think it's safe to say now that The Good Dinosaur is my pick for the Best Movie Of The Year.

99/100 A (I think this is the first time a Movie with a lower rating is my favorite film of the year instead of the higher rated one)
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