Ash vs Evil Dead (2015– )
This Show Is Everything It Needs To Be
12 December 2015
When it comes to television I'm bored stiff, sick and tired of the pessimism and theatrical grit we've been overfed. It's time for a change and Bruce Campbell has brought it like rain to desert!

The Evil Dead legacy is one born of charm and daring, which is why Campbell has gone from strength to strength while still staying in touch with his long-enduring fan-base.

After being well and truly accepted by the mainstream, he's flexed his influential muscles and brought a classic back to life at the right time.

What can I say without spoiling this amazing show? Let's save the expected for last and start with the general setup.

-Excellent production, still reminiscent of the classics. -Great choice in cast, including special guests. -The mythology expanded; we now have freaky demons. -Classic mythology is also done justice. -Very die-hard fan friendly, and yet mainstream friendly too.

Money has gone into this show. Campbell is clearly an anchor to rely on no just as the show's lead, but for the production of the show, too. Every trick he could pull out of his sleeve, he has, and yet there's always a surprise in each new episode. I don't see this show ending any time soon, or losing steam.

Simpler reasons to love this show:

-It's gory as hell. It puts The Walking Dead to shame. -You'll laugh hard. If it's not for the comedy dynamics, then because our leads are having way too much fun with the effects team, and you can tell. -It's so refreshingly anti-PC. -Bruce is on top form, for action and one liners. -It has more atmosphere than most modern horror efforts. -Great character building, especially from Campbell, who doesn't usually get the chance. You'll laugh at Ash, you'll groan at Ash, but you'll also grow to feel for him like you haven't before.

All you ever wanted from an Evil Dead show is here, and more. This may be Campbell's last ride as Ash, like John Wayne's last western in that respect, but not until he's left his fans with what they've waited so long for.

He might be passing the torch to a new generation, but he's definitely out to prove that there is and will always be only one Ashley J. Williams.

This could happily be the last TV show I ever watch!
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