James White (2015)
I can't say it was enjoyable, but I appreciated it and is definitely worth watching.
14 December 2015
I watched this gem of an indie film, James White, the other night. From the plot summary and reading other critic reviews, I knew what I was getting into. It was going to be a heart wrenching, realistic portrayal of one young man's downward spiral in experiencing death and dying of his closest loved ones.

James White is a mid-twenty-something New Yorker with a taste for alcohol, drugs, and women. In the wake of his absent father's death, James is distraught and self-medicating to deal with his feelings of pain and anger. With no one to talk to, he is alone in figuring out how to navigate some challenging life situations. As a 30-year-old single male, I could relate to James White.

The core of this movie was between James White and his mother dying of cancer. The performances from the film's two leads are, and some scenes are just a punch in the gut. All James's mother wants is for his son to grow up and know he will be able to take care of himself. Like many young adults, growing up and finding yourself is not always that easy, and James White shows you how difficult it can b. I enjoyed the ending, but a lot of watchers will not.

Without giving away any more of this well written, directed and acted film, I will say watch it! If you are a fan of indie dramas, then you will thoroughly appreciate this one.
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