Review of The Timber

The Timber (2015)
A story that's muddled by attempts to extend it's length
14 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This ~73 minute movie (not counting the opening and closing credits) has a fair few scenes and characters that seem irrelevant to the plot and the characters are all very simple and have basically no internal conflicts. They throw in coincidences, mysticism and events to simply pad the running time.

The core plot of the movie is a banker trying to get two brothers off their land by tricking them into paying their debt/mortgage by collecting a bounty when it's just a ruse to evict them unfairly because the land is valuable. That plot takes up maybe 10 minutes.

The movie gets bogged down heavily in unnecessary side plots and issues, all of which are amazing coincidences and none of which seem important to the plot.

There's a father no-one seems to care about positively or negatively that they just kill at the end, a soldier who burns some screen time doing very little and then dies, possibly- psychic dreams, a cannibal wild man and random attackers all seem inconsequential.

The only consequence of all that stuff is they seem to be trying to deliver the deep message of the film: random people you don't know are bastards. It's all in these convoluted coincidence driven scenes that I think are meant to be kismet to teach this one brother that really obscure lesson.
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