Doctor Who: Terminus: Part Three (1983)
Season 20, Episode 15
Stoically Falling Into Total Oblivion
18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Garm is interesting. Despite his weirdly lame mouth, he's nicely expressive in his movements. His big red eyes do some neat tricks to my sympathy+fear.

The premise of the Big Bang happening all over again because of the fuel release is wild and wonderful, but very oddly reached. I have no idea how Bor figured it out. Why was Terminus capable of time travel. Why is the fuel so incredibly unstable? What in the world gave the Doctor his epiphany? Why does this second explosion undoubtedly destroy the universe? That more than anything else, the primary jeopardy factor and biggest idea of the story, just doesn't make any sense. And it bothers me.

As a boy, I didn't really care that that sequence of epiphanies didn't make any sense. It now just seems pretty darn nonsensical and unsubstantiated by anything other than that the Doctor said it. That must be some super duper unstable fuel.

Alongside the silliness of Turlough's continued checking in with the Black Guardian while he can barely do anything, we also get more skulking about in shafts with Tegan. They do get freed this episode, but it's to then hang out in the very stressful center of the universe shuttle control room.

Tone and style very much star in this story. It's still nightmarish. Nyssa's fate looks grimmer than ever, poor thing. The poorly explained nonsense has started to beat out the style, though, by this episode.
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