Toopy and Binoo (2005– )
Teaches more important lessons than mathematics and language.
20 December 2015
It may not be educational in the same way other shows are. Sure, it may not teach you how to spell or how to add. On the surface, it may seem completely nonsensical and just a colorful flashy show of some rat and his stuffy playing together.

As a child and youth care practitioner, I find this show an important and bold step toward child entertainment. With homophobia still existing, there are lots of people out there who seem to think this show is some great force of evil trying to brainwash their children into becoming gay. I see it more as building tolerance to people of certain orientations. And yes, maybe your son may want to try on high heels because Toopy did. So what? How many people are going to die because your son put on high heels? None, that's how many. The show has also been accused of romanticizing sexual behavior between men, but there is absolutely no sexuality outlined in this show. Toopy and Binoo take baths together? So what? Is it suddenly a sexual thing? My friends and I have been in a hot tub together, and we're all straight men.

Sexuality and homophobia aside, this show is great. It teaches love and compassion, and it reinforces a positive attitude. There is no promotion of aggression, no children throwing temper tantrums (Caillou), and no negativity. Toopy is an all-around loving character, and he's always looking out for his best friend Binoo. They have loads of fun together, and this is what children should picture when they picture true friendship.
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