The Wiz Live! (2015 TV Movie)
20 December 2015
Not That Great. I was expecting more and this production felt rushed and felt extremely flat. Casting was horrible and the entire production looked cheap. In an attempt to be hip The Wiz Live lacked heart. It was not good on any level at all. It doesn't have any identity from the Wizard of OZ which. The Wiz Live will be enjoyed by 3 to 12yo for sure. There are better productions. Singing was off pitch, dancing looked clumsy, costumes looked scary, acting was horrible, sets were cheap and tacky. It was a nice attempt but NBC really missed the mark with this production. The Wiz with Diana Ross and Michael Jackson will always be the best adaptation of THE WIZ. Just skip The Wiz Live and just watch THE WIZ with Diana Ross. Its much more enjoyable and urban. It sets itself apart from Wizard of OZ copy cat versions.
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