Bill O'Reilly's favorite movie
23 December 2015
God spoke to Al Franken to write a book in response to Ann Coulter, FoxNews and President Bush. He wrote the book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right". It talks about his fight with Bill O'Reilly. He signs onto Air America Radio as a host. This movie follows him as he talks to students, fans and talk about his family. Minnesota Senator Wellstone dies in an accident losing the seat to Republican Norm Coleman. He goes over to Iraq to do USO as Saddam. He follows the 2004 campaign as a radio host and is horrified at the result. In the end, he's considering returning to Minnesota to run against Coleman.

I really love Franken's book. I remember that he's able to dissect the various lies by the right wing media. It's essentially his dissection of the FoxNews bit comparing California and Iraq deaths. The book allows Franken to do that in-depth analysis. It is shocking how widespread these 'mistakes' are and how resistant these guys are to recognizing them. It is willful and deliberate. It is too bad that lies stop mattering in politics.
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