Entertaining and Fun
19 December 2015
When I rent what is obviously a low budget horror movie out of the local Redbox, my expectations are generally pretty low. I'm happy to say that The Legend of Wasco exceeded my expectations. It's a pretty decent movie! The acting was good, especially Jessica Schroeder as Christy and Jason Crowe as Tyler (or Peanut). The production values were better than I expected for a low budget indie, and there was a decent amount of effective humor. The music fits the movie well, and the set decoration was great, because it looked like an actual lived-in house, not just someone's spare room. The clowns themselves were menacing and twisted, just like a horror movie clown should be! My only complaint would be the editing. At times it felt like the characters were talking and repeating themselves just to fill time, which slowed down the pacing. All in all, not a bad watch, and definitely worth the Redbox rental!
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