Fairly solid concept, but extremely lacking in writing/production value.
21 December 2015
After watching a few episodes on PBS, I probably won't bother anymore.

The concept consists of the show's singular personality spending episodes interviewing people whom consider themselves (or who he considers to be..?) craftsmen of niche or dying handmade objects and such. As someone who falls asleep to How It's Made and enjoys just about any behind- the-scenes formulaic shows about engineering, design, and construction: this show just isn't good enough to warrant any more attention.

Virtually all elements of production are extremely low-budget and poorly deployed. From lackluster and sloppy camera-work, uninteresting visual construction, terrible camera quality, poor writing, awkward conversations with no feeling of purpose; this show is in dire need of a producer who actually knows how to produce content for television.

Almost all of the shows flaws are not due to the fact that it has a small budget; they are simply evidence of inexperienced people making a television show.

Maybe it will get picked up by someone who can switch some staff around and up the budget, but until that happens, there is FAR better identical content made by self-producing individuals on youtube.

Feel free to give it a shot, but don't feel bad if it doesn't keep you interested very long. I feel like I'm walking around to peoples houses with a socially awkward family member who is showing you things he finds interesting.
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