Stupid plot, lame acting and yet more of Star Wars than Disney and JJ Abe could come up with
22 December 2015
It is a sad thing to admit but this is the best Star Wars movie (not counting fan movies) made in this millennium. Here was the thought process: How can you take important iconic design elements of a venerable and beloved movie franchise and twist it into a cheap porn parody that 'viewers' will still recognize as Star Wars? It takes some understanding of the source material to pull that off and the makers of this thing actually did a better job than Disney. It might be primitive, lame and stupid but at least they understand their audience and the nagging little voice watching the original trilogy "I wonder how this princess looks under that nice white robe thingy?". They understand that archaic and women-objectifying part of me and deliver. I'm not proud of it but I get material which is true to the original movies. That teenager of many years ago who looked forward to seeing Leia in a metal bikini meets people who understand that boy and the sci-fi world where such fantasies come from. Disney made a mockery of Star Wars with "The Force awakens" in order to launch a new series of plastic toys and Star Wars images on various products in order to make me buy crap I don't need. Honestly, I wish they had simply designed a light-saber shaped dildo and sold it on a box saying: Yes, we DO want to screw your childhood.....again. Man, do I feel old. I wrote a review for a porn movie to find the last traces of the original Star Wars magic. I guess it's just the frustration over Disney getting a divorce from my generation in order to run off with one of those hot and new Millennials.

EDIT: Rogue One just made it the second best Star Wars movie of the millennium
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