Santa Claus on the beach, met by a bunny with no ice cream
25 December 2015
Garden gnomes sing and dance, briefly, yet interminably, before Santa Clod- I mean, Santa Claus, gets his sleigh stuck in a light dusting of beach sand on a Florida beach. His reindeer abandoned him, and who could blame them? A group of horrendously annoying, ugly kids with huge teeth are telepathically summoned in freeze-frame, they find him (after running past the same house twice) gather round him, and use conveniently located goats, chickens, mules, and even a guy in an ape costume, to try to move his sleigh.

When that proves useless, these obviously bored kids spend an inordinate amount of time listening to him tell them fairy tales- either Thumbelina, or Jack and the Beanstalk, depending on which version one watches, which is merely used to pad out the film's runtime.

The Santa footage appears to be silent footage, with sound dubbed in afterward, there are continuity issues left and right, a Santa who looks like he's about 30, and taken a dump in his Santa suit, ugly kids overacting outrageously, and massive amounts of stock footage reign, until a guy in a white bunny rabbit costume drives up (is pushed up by obvious stagehands) through the nearly empty amusement park, and gives this clod a ride ... to, the North Pole? I guess. There is repeatedly shown a dog growling and barking angrily at this costume bunny. I was waiting for him to bite the bunny. That would have been a surprising twist.

The sleigh then just simply evaporates into fat air..... The End.

What the hell is this about? Who thought this was a good idea? And what the hell were they on when they made this barely Christmas movie (aside from the guy in the unwashed Santa suit, there is no mention of Christmas)? It seems like they filmed a short ride through the awful looking amusement park, then padded that with this story of Santa on the beach, but when that still came up short, the padded it out even further with unrelated fairy tale stories, to horrible effect.
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