Medic: If Tomorrow Be Sad (1956)
Season 2, Episode 16
30 December 2015
Strong human-interest episode. Winnie Lockner (Stone) is a popular statuesque model. Trouble is she's having unpredictable muscle and eyesight problems. She's bearing up as best she can, while the doctor doesn't find anything specifically wrong. Turns out after some time and testing that she's afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The symptoms can travel the body in an unpredictable manner, and since it's a problem of outer nerve-cell coverings, there is no precise area that can be operated on (I think I've got it right). Thus the person must learn to deal with the affliction as best as possible. At least that was the case 60-years ago—I hope progress has since been made.

Anyway, Winnie makes an appealing subject as she goes through a marital break-up, therapy sessions, and efforts at holding her career together. Understandably, there's more voice-over than usual. On the other hand, I don't know that the final upshot was necessary. But all in all, it's a highly affecting 30-minutes of medical drama.
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