Chi-Raq (2015)
31 December 2015
spike lee should just stop making films. From the 10 year old name of the film that is so worn Hillary Clinton used it you can already see how bad this movie is going to be. It's not 1980 anymore, Spike lee is simply old and out of touch and frankly not relevant anymore. He brings no edge to his movie, he isn't in touch with the "culture" that he is trying to represent, and frankly is trying desperately hard to connect with that audience. You can tell his connection with "being on the streets" is straight off twitter from his Hollywood home. The guy thinks he's writing great work on the notion of Aristophanes but really just tells a very bad rehash of a story that has been made over and over again. Trying to give it a hip urban theme just falls flat. Not to mention the story is so unbelievable no one in their right mind can sit there and watch it and take it seriously. It might as well have been a B movie. There are no amount of paid reviews that can make this movie look good. It's just garbage through and through. Save your money and wait for a decent movie to come out.
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