Total garbage!
1 January 2016
This has to be one of the worst movies I can recall watching. Poor acting, cliché script lines, and background music at complete odds with what was happening in the movie. The script is so predictable that there isn't a single moment of suspense. Even the lines delivered by the actors were poorly delivered and the scowls on the face were contrived. There have been other movies that follow this plot line and some were dramatic and exciting, but not this one. At no time was I ever "pulled into" the story and wishing for characters to succeed, or anything else. This looks like something a high school class drama class would put together, and I'm sure they wold do a better job. If you're after rubbish non-thinking garbage to watch then you may enjoy this, but if you're after a movie that is truly entertaining skip this movie altogether. Life is too short to have to suffer through this crap.
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