Cheesy surreal hysteric space adventure and i love it
3 January 2016
Everyone knows Message From Space as a Japanese response to Star Wars but i must say there are not to much similarities, of course this movie is total cheese, but if you love spacey movies from the end of 70's and want to laugh hard this movie is for you. I was surprised to see that this movie is directed by legendary Japanese director Kinji Fukasaku who is more known for his Yakuza and gangster movies, in my opinion he is to this days one of the best Japanese directors. Believe it or not this was the most expensive movie in history of Japanese cinema in that time, now everything looks so funny, from costumes, special effects but there is something in that, some nostalgia. How not to love evil aliens with corpse paint in samurai outfit, or hippy music from the 60's in the bar, i found some similarities wtih other Fukasaku's movie "Street Mobster", that shaky camera, and many fighting and punching scenes, this is so funny, and yes i am founding this movie to be very surreal or feeling like you are on LSD, total madness. In my opinion better to watch this than "Battle Beyond Stars" it is more fun, imagine and action. i Gave it 6/10.
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