Reality Check (2002)
There's an idea here but the execution was lacking
3 January 2016
Obviously you can pretty much tell from the start that this will be awful. The biggest problem I had with the execution of the idea was the way in which the story was presented. The idea seemed OK in theory, but the overall end result missed that idea.

I think this would have worked better if they had incorporated less of the Reality TV Style scenes and shots, and instead either gone with a documentary or straight up fly on the wall type treatment. With the TV shots added, it came off like a spoof or at the very least confused about how much comedy to incorporate.

The acting, at times was laughably terrible from this group of relatively unknowns at the time due to character writing that seemed disjointed and awkward. The pacing seemed to actually be the one big bright spot of the bunch, though the "kills" left a lot to be desired by today's standards. A lot of the time it felt like there was a lack of a payoff, or anticlimactic ending to the buildups that the director was working for.

Overall I wouldn't recommend this. I got it for a dollar and I still feel like I got ripped off but that's more because of the time I invested watching Reality Kills. Skip this one unless you're into movies that are of the "So Bad they're Good" variety and even then you'll still probably end up disappointed.
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