Review of The Climb

Game of Thrones: The Climb (2013)
Season 3, Episode 6
Climbing; both literally and metaphorically
6 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The main action of this episode was Jon, Ygritte and the Wildlings scaling the seven hundred foot wall that protects Westeros from the barbarians to the north. The climb won't be easy and not everybody will make it. Elsewhere there is more talk of weddings as Lord Frey demands that Robb's uncle Edmure must marry one of his daughters as restitution for Robb breaking his word and Lady Olenna Tyrell is not pleased with Tywin Lannister's plans to have her son marry Queen Cersei rather than Sansa Stark. Theon finally learns the identity of his tormentor but things are only getting worse for him. In the Riverlands Melisandre visits the Brotherhood without Banners and takes Gendry from them leading Arya to confront her.

While there isn't a huge amount of action this is a gripping episode. The scaling of the wall was tense as there was the constant feeling that fatal falls could happen at any moment; acrophobics may certainly feel the sense of height as the camera shows the huge drop below the climbers. These scenes are tense but not as disturbing as those involving Theon; his tormentor is one of the least pleasant characters in the series… although not as bad as Joffrey who we learn has murdered a popular minor character for the sadistic pleasure. This also emphasises just how dangerous Lord Baelish is as he provided the poor girl to punish Lord Varys; the scene between Aidan Gillen and Conleth Hill which led up to this shock was great. While not action packed the scene between Maisie Williams and Carice van Houten, as Arya and Melisandre, was brilliant as it showed Arya's inner strength and Melisandre's response suggests that young Arya is going to become a taker of many lives. Overall a fine episode that hints at things to come.
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