Californication: Blind Faith (2013)
Season 6, Episode 10
the grace of Maggie
9 January 2016
Beautifully done! I'm about to attempt writing the synopsis, and I'm going to have to keep my personal feelings to myself, and that's going to be difficult. I have just now learned Showtime dropped the chance to film a spin-off FAITH with Maggie, and, oh gee, guys, what were you thinking? You should have gone ahead! If this particular episode is anything to go by, of course you'd have gotten ill winds from the Religious Right as far as from Croatia (referring to the offended bummed-out Other Reviewer), but you'd have delivered a TV- series fit to rival CALIFORNICATION, and that, in this current day and age more than two years later, is going to take some doing!

If Maggie Grace's character Faith was a real person, I'd have been honored to know her (no innuendo meant), she is class and cool personified. I keep hearing that song, She's got style, she's got grace, she's got long, long legs, she's got savoir faire! (which, translated from French, means 'knowing what to do under any social circumstance' That's Faith to me. I haven't seen much of Faith, she's a recent addition to the CALIFORNICATION lineup, appearing in most of the past Season 6 episodes. I have a host of film heroines, some of them from long-running shows, but Faith was an instant hit, from the moment she appeared on the screen. She is beautiful, total eye-candy, but besides that, she is super-cool. She hasn't got one mean bone in her body. I'd fall down and worship her any day.

I pity the kind of parent who wouldn't accept her. I could understand worrying about her. But the way her mother put a sickly love for an imagined deity above her real live flesh and blood daughter... No wonder she ran out.

Of course the much-deluded reviewer from Croatia would just spew forth the usual expected indignation, this person too would condemn 'a sinner like that' to the fires of hell. But Faith is the purest Earth's child I've had the pleasure to witness on film.
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