The Shadows (2011)
89 minutes of my life I will never get back!
9 January 2016
I wish I'd read Paul M H's review before spending time on this film. His review describes this movie perfectly. The story is weak. The scenery is weak. The actors tried, bless their hearts, but there really wasn't much for them to work with. It was hard to care about any of them.

There really isn't much else to say about this film, except that you may do better find an alternate.

I would stop typing, but IMDb won't post my review because I didn't provide enough sentences/characters. So I will type on to save someone else 89 minutes of life that is better spent elsewhere. I would prefer to keep this short and sweet, but, alas, the website will not permit such brevity.

So, if you like weak stories, dark and simple scenery, scripts that don't set the scene, unbelievable characters that come from nowhere, have at it!
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