The Final Nail in the Coffin for Jennifer Lawrence's Career
10 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Please understand that I do not hate Jennifer Lawrence as a person as I have seen her on TV and she seems quite cool. But when it comes to her acting, my god. Where do I even begin? Her acting is so terrible that you ears will bleed whenever you hear her try to "Act" Secondly, her "style" of acting is screaming and freaking out over anything stupid or in the least bit not right which becomes very annoying very fast. I wouldn't mind it if she did that once in a while, but when you do it in every single god dang freaking film you're in, it's unbearable. I'll try not to make this a rant about Ms. Lawrence and try to make it about the movie, but it's going to be very hard for me to ignore.

The Final Hunger Games movie is boring and uninteresting. The characters although will live on in many hearts, I'll probably forget them in about 5 months. Josh Hutcherson here gives his best performance ever and I do like him as the role of Pita Bread (Get It?) OK that's not his real name but still he does great. The movie is way too over the top even for Hunger Games. Traps put in the Capitol are way too over the top even for a Hunger Games movie, the 'Climax' is so bad that it went on forever and ever.

Basically this movie shoves too much down our throat at once in this climax. You think the freedom of the capitol is at the end of the movie? No. Then what about the execution of Snow? No. Katniss going home? No. Peeta coming home? NO! How does this stupid thing end? With the most stupidest cliché and insulting ending of all, they have kids. That is it. Nothing else. This movie slapped us all in the face with this horse of an ending that is so disappointing you would want to rewrite the whole entire movie and film it again to get a perfect ending.

But lets not forget the biggest insult of the movie and the most offensive thing, Animal Cruelty. There is a scene where Katniss comes home, screams at a cat to get out of the house, throwing crap at it and hurting it. This is so extremely bad that I wanted to scream ANIMAL ABUSE at the screen in which everyone could hear me and walk out. I cannot let this performance go without consequences.

This is the final straw for me and Ms. Lawrence. I vowed to never watch any of her movies ever again with the exception of X-Men Apocalypse coming out in May. She has hurt me, she has hurt a cat, I hope her career goes down in flames and she will be forgotten about forever. OH SHE DIDN'T HURT IT BECAUSE SHE HUGGED IT AFTERWORDS Well that doesn't say anything about what happened a few seconds ago.

I'm sorry. I really am. I tried not to get angry at her but because her acting is some of the worst I have ever seen I cannot help but moan and whine about it. I hate her acting! I want it to die!

OK. So I complained about Jennifer Lawrence, The Over The Top Traps, The Animal Abuse, The Boring stuff, The Costumes are dumb still. So is there anything I loved? Like, Really Loved? Well, I can say this is not a bad film. It's a mediocre film but Josh Hutcherson as I said is great in this. That's the only thing I can say that would even be worth the price of admission. Nothing else can save this from being the worst Hunger Games movie. I'm sorry fans. But it's true. If you want to send hate mail then please message me telling me how I'm wrong and blah blah whatever you want. Feel free to even downgrade this review. But I'm honest and always have been. So thank you for reading, I hope you have a good day and god save the animals.

50/100 C
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