Not the most romantic of romances...
10 January 2016
Films about divorcing people are a tough sell. While there have been some very good films with this as a topic (such as MY FAVORITE WIFE and THE AWFUL TRUTH), this is a very tough sell as there normally isn't anything funny or romantic about divorce.

When the film begins, Mary Morely (Paulette Goddard) arrives home from her stint in the WACs following WWII. Her husband, Peter (Fred MacMurray) wants to meet her to sign their divorce papers. After all, when she entered the Army several years earlier, she'd asked for a divorce and in the interim, Peter fell for Gloria. However, now that Mary has returned, she's reluctant to sign those papers, so she plans on delaying as long as possible and hopes to win him back in the process. After a while, Peter is tired of trying nicely and resorts to deliberately being the most boorish jerk possible. Mary responds by telling him that this is a big turn on! And finally, Pater's 'friend', Jack (Macdonald Carey), works behind Peter's back to try to help him get the divorce...mostly because he wants Mary for himself.

So, how is this film? It's only fair--mostly for two big reasons. First, why they had Fred MacMurray change back and forth into the boorish and loud character, I have no idea...he WAS boorish and loud. Second, the other films I mentioned were simply much better. Better, more subtle and more clever. Now I am not saying this film is bad...but it felt a bit forced at times and is more of a time- passer as opposed to a timeless classic.
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