Nostagia hits hard
16 January 2016
The animation is spotty at times; it is evident that the greatest amount of effort was spent on the opening and ending fight sequences, leaving all scenes in between at a lower level of quality.

Furthermore the adaptation of the novel had caused a loss of nuance, making this inferior to the original source. Technology was not really (there were instances that it was) present in Kishimoto's original manga, now that it is he uses a popular motive of the Japanese New Wave, namely the idea that technology is taking over the life of man and this should be adverted as it is a regression. It comes over rather forced and blatant in the film as in the novel.

Yet, despite these flaws I cannot help but like this film; nostalgia hits, hard. I have grown up with the Naruto series and this is the end point. If nothing else, it really works as a closer, making me want to read it all again, which I probably will in the future.
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