Well they did a good job on one end.
17 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Debra Messing does a great, actually she does a fantastic job of playing a looser. Her character in this film is kind of a looser. The character Messing plays has a job and fantastic looks and all that, but that doesn't mean you can't be looser and her character is just that a looser and she does a fantastic job of playing that character so I give her props for that. Which is where the one star I gave this film comes from.

Now the rest of the movie was not good, her romance with Dermot Mulroney to me was not developed at all. The movie it's self was put together kind of clunky. Her and Mulroney I'm sorry had no chemistry and the rest of the characters who even cares. I did not care for this film except to say that Debra Messing did a great job of playing a total looser character.
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