Review of Room

Room (I) (2015)
18 January 2016
Room was tedious from the very beginning. And then it got more tedious. And then it kept on going. And though I waited for something to happen, it didn't. Then something did happen, and I thought, "Oh, joy. It's finally over." But alas, it wasn't over. It kept going. And going. And going.

Though I had one or two moments where I thought it was cute or interesting, that's not enough to fill out a 2-hour movie. The kid was annoying, the mom was forgettable, the circumstances held no true sense of danger or tension, the aftermath was boring and trite. It might've worked as a 15-minute short film, but good lord, after sitting through it, I felt as though *I* had been trapped in a tiny room for 7 years.

I honestly don't understand what people are seeing in this film. There is truly nothing of worth there. Avoid, unless you enjoy things like waiting in line for hours or going over your taxes.
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