Community: Advanced Safety Features (2015)
Season 6, Episode 7
Hilarious episode
18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this in response to Kevin from Finland who hated this episode on the notion that he felt the show was insulting his intellect.

This was, for me, the funniest episode so far this season. It's not like I'm not understanding that there is advertising. The advertising is absurdly blatant.

You sometimes see shows like Bones where the camera cuts to a phone with a brand on it, or the car starts auto parking and Bones comments on its features without drawing attention to the fact that it's clearly product placement - THAT is insulting your intelligence.

If you feel that your intelligence is insulted because someone is blatantly advertising to your face in a farcical manner, then you my friend, have self-esteem issues with your intelligence. There is nothing in this episode that is trying to pretend it's not trying to shove this advertising in your face. It's the entire premise of the whole episode, and it's hilarious. The subtext here is the irony and the obviousness, and you not seeing that is more representative of your view on what comedy should be, more than anything else.

PS. Drink Coke.
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