10/18/63 "Where are the Sounds of Celli Brahms?"
19 January 2016
Now they are suddenly in Minneapolis where Tod will have a job in a ritzy hotel while Linc will be stuck operating a jackhammer for a street repair gang. Why couldn't they swing a cushier job for Linc? No matter. He's driving when they enter the city and are stopped because he Linc is the millionth driver to cross a bridge during the city's 'Aquatennial' , a real celebration begun on the 100th anniversary of the city in 1956 and called "Aqua" to celebrate the many bodies of water nearby. The millionth driver automatically becomes a judge in the beauty contest that's part of the celebration. Linc falls for one of the plainer contestants and figures she could use the win to gain some confidence and have a high point in her life. But should he be influenced by that?

Tod's first assignment is to assist Tammy Grimes as an acoustical engineer hired by the head of the hotel to lower the level of noise in the hotel, which has long been a pet peeve to the head man. This story becomes another in the long line of career-orient females on the show who are unhappy because of their lack of a love-life. Tod, while getting worn out by the pace of her work, wears her down emotionally until she rebels and runs about making noise in every way she can, winding up in jail.

Both stories are light-weight and this episode consequently would not be memorable expect for the fact that Producers Herbert Leonard and Stirling Silliphant hired Horace McMahon and Harry Bellaver of their recently canceled other series, NAKED CITY, to play the hotel head and the publicity guy who handles Linc for the pageant. I also have the entire run of that series and it was good to see those two again. Linc even suggests to Bellaver that he looks like a cop and hasn't he seen him in New York City? Why didn't they ever do a cross-over episode? Todd and Buz were from New York City. Wouldn't they have come back to visit their old stomping grounds?
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