My Name Is Sarah (2007 TV Movie)
Some facts about AA
13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
(This review may be a spoiler for some readers.) While this was a refreshingly sweet movie, some facts about AA need to be clarified. !) No AA member should "13" step a new member; meaning,relationships should be put on hold for about one year and no

member, one who has been sober for three years as the main male lead is, should try to seduce a new member. 2) If a new member or whomever does not want to go to a meeting, one should not force themselves on the other. 3) One should never put another member, especially a new member, on the spot with respect to speaking.

Had the author done better research on the subject matter, she would know this. I found it unfortunate because the author could have made the story somewhat more suspenseful. The premise of the movie is different, although, lacking in truth.

I could go on but, the movie is somewhat unrealistic regarding AA.
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