Four Star Playhouse: An Operation in Money (1954)
Season 2, Episode 25
So many plot twists!
25 January 2016
Andy Fields (David Niven) is a teller at a bank back in 1902. He would like to get married but hasn't had a raise in eight years. In desperation, he approaches the bank's board of directors and he's treated very poorly. The bank president didn't seem to care about Andy's plight and informed him he was lucky they didn't fire him! So much of loyalty and respect on the bank's part. As for Andy, he's about to hatch a plan to show the board what happens when you treat your employees like comes to bite you on the butt! Soon Andy returns to the board and informs them he's embezzled over $100,000-- a HUGE sum for the time. What's worse is that the timing couldn't be worse...they're about to be audited...and during a time when there was no federal insurance for banks. They will literally be destroyed...unless they come to terms with Andy!

There are MANY more twists and turns in the case, however, and I loved that this episode kept me guessing what would happen next...right up to the closing credits. Well acted, very well written and rather fun to watch. The timing of me watching this was actually rather interesting, as I'd just watched another episode of the show with David Niven-- and he played a long-suffering and very decent missionary!!
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