Heroes Reborn: Company Woman (2016)
Season 1, Episode 12
a clinic in how NOT to write a network series
29 January 2016
To recap, your humble reviewer went into this series with an open heart and an open mind. The original Heroes was one of my favorite all time shows. Expectations were high. Endorphins were pumping.

By the third or fourth episode I was frantically writing individual reviews pointing out that something had gone horribly horribly horribly horribly wrong in the reboot. Maybe the money was not there. Maybe instead of real writers they hired the producer's nephew. I don't know. But the scripts were making errors you would not expect to see in a high school film class and worst of all the characters were so horribly drawn I barely cared if any of them lived or died.

For my trouble I received boatload of NOT USEFULs and one fellow member actually used the IMDb message board to reprimand me "in person." So here we are at episode 12 and I am seeing fails in writing and direction that are beyond belief. Scenes run into each other with no continuity or explanation. Flashbacks are used like popcorn, they jump in and out at will. There is still no central arc to the movements of any of the characters. The dialog brings back memories of PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE -- "You should never be ashamed of looking after a child" (or something like that) followed by an awkward pause as if the actors themselves could not believe they were given those lines to read aloud.

And if I had a dime for the number of times in this series one character threatened another with a gun or knife (but did not actually follow through) I could retire.

Anyway, it's over. I am speaking metaphysically because there is the finale, one more episode, after this. But the show is over. Google "HEROES REBORN SUCKS" and you will get the full story.

And to the member who used the board to reprimand me -- I have just two words. You're welcome.
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