Review of Mr. Galaxy

Charlie's Angels: Mr. Galaxy (1981)
Season 5, Episode 15
Not all THAT bad...
3 February 2016
So I know that most people that comment HATE this episode, but I think it's got some cute, endearing moments.

So the angels seem to really develop a soft spot for that hunky, soft-hearted client of theirs, and his equally endearing trainer... It's fun to watch Boz go undercover as a wannabe-weightlifter... Bonnie Keith, one of my fave guest-stars from her other 2 scene- stealing episodes, does a quick walk-on. And then the chick who played Jan in "Grease" does a cameo as the receptionist???? I mean, COME ON!@ This episode has its moments...

Okay, sure the scene where Kris and Ron get run off the road, and she's like "What's going on" all ditzy-like... I mean, REALLY, COME ON KRIS!@#$ This ain't your first time at the Rodeo...

The locations are interesting, lots of outdoor graffiti makes it gritty and urban, a bit toned down from the usual glamour (think episodes like "Love Boat Angels", "One Love Two Angels", "Diamond In The Rough", you know, the angels hob-knobbing with the rich and gutless...

And the actor who plays Danny, the villain, he was in Season 1 classic "The Killing Kind" as Robert Loggia's sidekick, and had a long career as a character actor... check him out in "The Twilight Zone" as a menacing genie in a bottle granting cursed wishes.

It definitely cheapens the episode to have stock footage from way back in season 2 (the auditorium crowd scenes from "Angels On Ice" and "Angels All In A Row" - you can even spot "Sabrina" handing out programs in yellow jacket she wore in Season 2, Episode 2).

So pluses and minuses... I still think its a cute concept. Could have done with a better script or less plot-holes. I like Ron's character and how he interacts with the Angels. And Boz could have really stole the show, as the main Male protagonist to the Angels in this testosterone-laden episode (something for everyone, men, women, gays, straights, LOL).
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