One of the Best Animated Movies Ever Made. In The Top 15.
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever I go into a Dreamworks movie, I have very low expectations. I expected Kung Fu Panda 3 just to be another style and no substance movie. From the trailers, it looks average at best. But when you actually see the movie for yourself, you will be blown away. I can't say if Dreamworks is actually getting better for myself, but their last few films like How to Train Your Dragon 2 and Home have been better than what they have released in past years. I really think this is one of The Top 15 Best Animated Movies Ever Made. 15 or 14 would take the spot. Here is why.

The story is an old one, cliché also. But it's done in a way that I don't think has been done before. It tries so many new things with this movie giving it a modern twist on a movie where a person with an identity crisis finds himself. That is the main reason why I love Kung Fu Panda 3 so much.

The story? Well, After a spirit warrior named Kai is back in the mortal realm, Po finds his real father named Li Shan where he is overjoyed to see him. In order to defeat Kai, Po must go with his father to the secret panda village up in the mountains where his adoptive father Mr. Ping tags along with them. Can Po be in time to stop himself and the other pandas from being abolished? The threat this time seems bigger than ever.

Yes. The threat in this movie is actually quite threatening. J.K Simmons voices Kai, who takes the Chi of the living Kung Fu masters including Master Shifu and most of the Furious Five which is an actually surprising development. You don't often see a film where most of the main heroes are defeated that easily which is why this is part of this new take on a classic story thing.

The cast is great and Jack Black does his best Po Performance yet. Everyone although some have little screen time are a huge part of the story also even if they are meant to be running gags. That is smart. Really smart.

The animation. My god. This is some of the best animation Dreamworks has ever done. I thought How To Train Your Dragon 2 would top it forever but this is just purely amazing! Every detail is beautiful and the characters are extremely well designed. This is already one of the best animated films of the year and there are many more that I am excited about.

Directors Alessandro Carloni and Jennifer Yuh Nelson have improved greatly on their last series effort, making everything feel more human. The explanation of Chi and the back-story of Kai is also excellent. This was a movie where it was unpredictable, and that is great for Dreamworks doing stuff like this!

If you liked the first two movies, Kung Fu Panda 3 is the one movie you must take your kids to see. I loved it, it is definitely a great movie and I can't wait to get it on Blu Ray. Bravo Dreamworks!

90/100 A-
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