Could've been better
10 February 2016
The basic premise for this episode is full of potential, and it certainly met some of it. But while there were some good moments, I don't feel like it came close to living up to all it could be. It was intriguing to see Superman rendered helpless by his blindness and having to stay with Lois, and there were several funny and interesting scenes, but overall there's so much more that could've been done with this that just wasn't. I love the idea of Clark's parents having to interact with Superman and treat him like he's not their son, but this was barely utilized. Also, the opportunity to show Superman really coping with his blindness, perhaps trying to compensate with his super-senses or something, was missed, I feel. The villains weren't all that interesting either. I also have to say, there was a sub-plot about Superman's secret identity (yes, that was the subplot and the Superman part was the main story - unheard of for this show!) that "resolved" at the very end of the episode in a way that left me feeling very dissatisfied. Also, one tiny nitpick: the explanation for how they blinded Superman was so utterly lame that it actually detracted from the experience. I usually don't mind dumb pseudoscience in Superman, but this time it just screamed "hey look at all this science I remembered from elementary school!!!!"

It's certainly not a BAD episode, don't get me wrong - while they didn't do anything near what they could've done with the set-up, they certainly did a little that was interesting and that kept me entertained. And it's nice that they're at least trying to give the Superman side of the character more attention for once. Even as a huge fan of the mild-mannered reportery side, I really appreciate that - I think it's something this show kinda needs more of, from what I've seen of it. But overall, it's just not going down as a favorite episode of mine.
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