My Fake Fiancé (2009 TV Movie)
Yet Another Super Fun Movie that Proved Me Correct... Again.
11 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Man, that was fun.

That was still typical romantic comedy. But even with that said, personally, these are really, significantly much more enjoyable to watch- - Yep, I said it; these made-for-TV movies are much more enjoyable than mass commercial movies on silver screens(even those from Disney, Dreamworks, Marvel, DC, Warner Bros., 20 Centruy Fox, etc.), particularly in rewatchable and collectible aspects.

I've always said, "While giant commercial movies may have silver screens, big budgets, better effects and/or actors, sometimes the REAL treasures lie in areas that are mostly forgotten, in the low-budget, smaller-scaled, close-knit small movies that are independent or made-for-TV." Dance of the Dead proved me correct, Not Safe for Work proved me correct, countless Lifetime and Hallmark holiday movies proved me correct, and now this movie along with plenty ABC Family proved me correct... again. Maybe I just totally enjoy those close-to-home type, romantic comedy stories, but I just love those really a lot.

And there really are a lot of totally comedic-off-the-charts parts in this movie. I mean, I nearly laughed to death watching them. Their make- out part? Man, my downloader software - in a REAL excellent timing - dinged when their hands touched, EXACTLY one second before the kissing starts. And the part when his groomsman told him that ties are just "shoelaces around the neck", he LITERALLY tied his tie shoelace-style. Boy, the volume of my laughs...

This is a totally fun movie, recommended for anyone who reads this.
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