Kumari 21F (2015)
You will like it, if you are among the gullible youth who want to sound mature but actually aren't
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know were to start. The movie has some big names to it's credit. It tells the story of a young model and a wanna-be chef who are at love(love at first sight at it's dumbest level). While her actions make him doubt her character, we are driven through a series of scenes which make us question the way we judge women in particular and people in general which is not a bad concept at all. The first half of the movie is good at places but only if you want to leave out all the flaws. When have people changed "don't judge me if you don't know me" to "don't use your reasoning abilities to judge me"? And any use of your brain or reasoning or logic to judge the movie will be deemed immature. Though the message in the movie is good,clear and sensible(you cannot prove your innocence all the time. Real love drives on trust and doesn't care about rumours. You have to accept your lover as they are. if you can't then you are not mature enough to love), the way in which it is show in outright stupid. While dim witted gullible youth may love this movie. a serious, mature and sensible viewer may not like it, especially the first half. However, the second half is much focused and sensible.

As we go closer to the climax, things get more darker. The pre-climax and climax are bold and emotional. The last 20 minutes is the reason the movie is being praised so much. It actually has the message of the movie clear unlike the first half. if not for the last 20 minutes, the movie would have ended up in a list of B-grade romantic stories with skin show and lust being coloured as love, targeted at desperate youth. Technically, the movie is beautiful and you can't really complain on anything. The cinematography and direction are great. music is awesome. Nice acting too, especially at the end of the movie.

....*end of review* .....

Go ahead, call me immature idiot or old uncle, it wont change the fact that the first half is silly and stupid. Also remember, if this movie is all about love then what about aarya, aarya-2 or yem maya chesave? or any other romantic movie by uday kiran and tarun?
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