Harold and Snub amongst the rubes
12 February 2016
The review that appears here is not for Going! Going! Gone! but for the 1918 film Are Crooks Dishonest, which is where Harold and Snub tangle with the fake spiritualists Professor and Miss Goulash and which is one of the best of the early LLoyd-Pollard-Daniels "glasses" comedies. Going! Going! Gone! (readily available in a French version as "Une excursion mouvementée" is a much less good comedy where Harold and Snub are out for a tandem ride in the countryside, with Snub in front doing all the work while Harold eats the lunch from the lunch-pack on Snub's back. They meet up with a group of picnicking girls (troubled by a crab) which includes Bebe but, after rescuing the girl from the crab, are sent packing by a fearsome chaperone. Meanwhile two crooks have made off with a bag of gold and a car in the nearby hick-town (where Bebe turns out to be the sheriff's daughter) and, when Harold and Snub are tricked by the fleeing robbers, who go off with their tandem, they end up themselves being mistaken for the thieves by the pursuing posse and get arrested. The thieves, now on the tandem, unwisely stop to molest Bebe but she is rescued by Harold and Snub, who have easily managed to escape their arresters and the real culprits are captured.
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