It is an eye-opener and an education
13 February 2016
This is easily the red letter picture of the week, in this reviewer's estimation. It is a love story, but much more than this, for it pictures in a very powerful way the work of a visiting nurse in a great city. It was posed under the auspices of "The Association of Visiting Nurses of Chicago," and there is a truth in most of these pictures that cannot be denied. It is an eye-opener and an education. It is a picture that will excite enthusiasm and comment. If a scenario writer desired to create an atmosphere for a love story that would show the human quality of love, Art itself could hardly have suggested a surer means than these pictures of a nurse's life. It is a picture of militant human love from the beginning to end, and it shows in a virile way a human soul made worthy of love through the active service. The misfortune that came to Grace Langden was the best thing that could have happened to her. If such pictures can't make the critics of motion pictures fair-minded, what can? - The Moving Picture World, June 24, 1911
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