The Hive (2014)
Imaginative & Effective Horror
14 February 2016
I tend not to look for horror films anymore. Call me jaded but I grew up in the '80s. By the time I turned twenty there was nothing I hadn't seen, whether it was done well or badly. CGI ruined the rest! But the past few years has seen a resurgence in excellently crafted and executed horror films and The Hive is the latest that I must rank so highly. I believe this to be one of the best of the decade.

Don't think zombies when you see the trailer. Think Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Evil Dead. Don't think tweeny love story like it was marketed. Although it has those elements, and they are a driving force, they're done well and quite maturely.

This is one of those movies that wades neck deep in the kind of horror that gave you nightmares as a kid and yet it also has the intelligence of Christopher Nolan's Memento, yet with a dash of Friday 13th and the late '90s Liev Schreiber sci-fi horror Phantoms.

I had very few hang-ups, going in with zero expectations, and left with zero hang-ups, all but for the choice in music at the end credits and the slightly cliché end narration.

The rest, from beginning to end, is an exercise in creepy, suspenseful, horror with a mind of its own; and possibly a secret subtext with a message about our modern society.

That dormitory scene later on...
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