Suits: No Way Out (2014)
Season 3, Episode 16
"2 Mins left in the game, our star players on the field." (dialog)
14 February 2016
OK, I will start with a confession.

I was binge-watching season 3 on the coldest day of the winter, a day when even the snow was afraid to go outside.

And I had set up my player to jump to the next episode when the current one finished.

And that is how I started this episode. And about 10 minutes in my reviewers "spidey sense" kicked and I am thinking, what the heck, every personal arc is being played out, they have gone back to the Ross arc from s01e01, the script is so tight it squeaks, the guy playing the US attorney has been up for multiple awards in other shows, and boy is this good TV. Who cares how cold it is.

And, when it was all over, of course I checked and found this was a season finale.

Shoulda known. These guys don't miss a chance to shine.

Great entertainment.
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