Review of Babylon

The X-Files: Babylon (2016)
Season 10, Episode 5
This episode is garbage
16 February 2016
Having watched the previous 9 seasons of the X-files multiple times over, I was very excited for the new season. Unfortunately, the new season has been just awful. Why did Gillian Anderson go and get botox the day before shooting? We know she is old now. It's not a problem to see some wrinkles.

Back to the episode at hand. Everyone else in the comments here are screaming about islamophobia. That's not my gripe. I actually think the opposite, this episode is anti- American.

Two white women in cowboy hats scoff at the Muslim. Moments later, a white guy in a pickup truck with a can of beer and two white women on his lap rev their engine at the Muslim to intimidate him.

I'm sure, somewhere in America, there is a very small percentage of people who would act this way. So, I find it ridiculous that white people would be stereotyped that way in this episode. It shows that Chris Carter and the other writers don't live in the real world.

In one scene, a nurse talks about the Syrian refugees and says that the terrorists are embedding themselves into countries that way. She warns that we should be afraid of them. he nurse is brushed off by the writers to look like a nut job, when in fact this is the very thing that ISIS is doing right now.

In another scene, they talk about the actual Chattanooga shooting and blame it on America for "hating Muslims." Give me a break. These are the types of people who felt bad for the terrorists who flew the planes into the towers.

I could go on and on with specific instances of stereotyping and racism directed at white people. I'd say watch the episode for yourself to see what I mean, but it isn't worth your time. I don't actually even remember anything paranormal in the episode!

Everyone remembers Obama's pastor when he preached, "God damn America. It's in the bible! For killing innocent people!" The world has gone to hell in a handbasket under the current way of thinking. If America continues on the path of degrading itself, we will cease to exist as a free people. So good job Chris Carter for furthering the problem!!!
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