Where's your sense of humour?
19 February 2016
Laura Parker and Julie Forester are busy preparing an important dinner, Julie's husband is loitering behind the curtain, poised to jump out in a scary mask to terrify Laura. George is an utterly irritating man who always takes the joke too far, but one day he takes things too far.

A fairly good story and episode, made all the better by the presence and performance of Sheila Gish, Tom Chadbon and Philip Jackson. The weakest of Sheila's episodes, but still very good, her character is just a bit more bland then in the last 'A Harmless vanity.'

I think this is a wonderfully clever and complex episode, there is more going on then you first think, what seem to be a rather soft and jovial story is actually a lot darker and more sinister then you'd first think. There's a load of malice and spite. I enjoyed it.

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