Resolution (III) (2012)
Different, slow-burn, interesting, unsettling little movie.
19 February 2016
It's a very cool and original movie! You come for the scares and stay for the bromance. The chemistry between the guys is so strong, and most importantly 'natural', that after the first act I was like 'ok, not what I expected but I'm in anyways'. The silly 'supernatural' plot point is riding that Spinal Tap 'fine line between stupid and clever' and the ending, which I'm sure lots of people will hate, is that kind of 'open' ending that lets you baffled, confused but at least in my case NOT disappointed. It makes your brain cogs move and tick to find your explanations and interpretations, which I think is good and lets the movie stick with you for a while. Pretty good acting, the two leads are believable and likable. Yes, even meth-addict f-up Chris is a lovable a-hole. Very well shot, has an independent look (low contrast and saturation, old film look) that is serving well the story. You don't want crispy 4k crap for a movie like this. Nice tension overall, a couple of jumpy but legitimate scares, tone shifts in an awkward, bumpy way sometimes but nothing too annoying. Give it a try if you are sick of paranormal activities, annabelles and devils inside.
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