GREAT film!!!
22 February 2016
Last night, I had the great pleasure of watching "We Are Twisted F$#%ing Sister," a documentary whose title initially gave me pause. But when I watched it, I realized why this band -- so obnoxious and preening on the surface -- was hands-down the most popular live act in the Tri-State area for the better part of a decade. Simply put, the prologue to TS's debut on MTV is an amazing story of hard work, creative self- awareness, and flat-out perseverance in the wake of bad luck and executive tone- deafness (both literal and figurative). And it doesn't hurt that Dee Snider and Jay Jay French are great interviews either.

Director Andrew Horn took a subject that could easily have coasted for 90 minutes on camp alone and instead created a fast-paced, funny, even poignant music documentary for the ages. If you get a chance, see it while it's playing here in town. If you can't, make sure to grab it on DVD, which has loads of extras. As with the band's legendary live shows, you'll find yourself relentlessly entertained for two hours.
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