The Walking Dead: The Next World (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Upon finishing watching this week's episode of TWD, I'm totally confused.

How is Jesus so good/quick at escaping knots? How on earth did he manage to get atop the truck? How did he not have to convince Rick and Daryl to spare his life after he made a fool out of them and attacked them? How did he slip past/subdue Daryl at the end of the episode? Is he actually Jesus? Because that's the only possible conclusion I can reach when I add up all of the ludicrous moments in this episode.

Sure, I get that Rick's got this new mindset and he's now got a different, more optimistic approach towards Alexandria and the future, but it just seems so juxtaposed to how we know them both to be. No way would they let him just casually stroll away after the first time they meet him, and most certainly not after the second time once he'd stolen their truck and nearly beat the sh*t out of them! This felt like it was a little - dare I say it - unrealistic; we know all too well that the punishment for such behaviour against our survivors is often the death penalty, thus seeing Jesus get off so lightly seems rather peculiar.

The closure granted with Deanna's demise seemed to resemble filler. We left Deanna at the end of the mid-season finale, in which she had a very clear exit. I don't think it was necessary at all to revisit, especially since nobody really cares about her son anyway.

In addition, the truck with the gratuitous stash of food in it rolling into the water was very face-palm worthy. Some called this slapstick comedy, I'd call it painfully silly. D'oh!

That being said, I did like this episode. Despite it being entirely different to last week's stellar episode, it was still entertaining. What better duo to watch than Rick and Daryl? I hope we see them back out together again soon.

Daryl and Denise's exchange at the beginning was hilariously awkward. You can see how easily the actors are able to embrace their characters.

Eugene's conversation (if you can even call it that) with Rick and Daryl as they were leaving Alexandria was equally awkward. But then again, that's just Eugene, isn't it?

I thought it was interesting that on the memorial wall of fallen survivors, Glenn's name is semi-filled in; it's neither been entirely removed nor has it been definitively painted on. Perhaps this is some light foreshadowing, since with all of the close-calls he's been having recently it's uncertain as to whether or not he'll last much longer.

That being said, where was Glenn in this episode? And no Carol either unfortunately. Melissa McBride (the actress who plays Carol) has become such a joy to watch that any episode without her in it seems lacking.

The Michonne and Rick thang? My first reaction was, "Oh please no..." but upon reflection, I think they may be the most dangerous power couple to have ever been on the show! And I'm all for that.

There's also an interesting cliffhanger which keeps us eager for next week's episode. I'm really hoping they'll then explain some of the illogic surrounding Jesus as this episode felt quite strange at times, although it was enjoyable nevertheless.
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