Some Kind Of Problem
25 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure:I'm yet another of those "Love the first four albums, hate the rest" Metallica fans. I approached the documentary a year after it came out and with no preconceptions. I hadn't heard the "St. Anger" album. And I was, well, not shocked exactly but quite disappointed. Not with the film, which is interesting in a trainwreck sort of way, but in the fact that the train ever reached a point that it crashed. When Metallica came along they were SPECIAL! I purchased several albums the day I purchased my first album by them (Master) and they totally blew not only MY mind but the minds of the other rock fans in the small town I grew up in. Metallica became "our" band, much as they did for many others.

I just watched SKOM again to see if the passing of years had been kind to it. They haven't. Watching James attempt to get himself sober and Lars being a whiny spoiled child is definitely entertaining in all the wrong ways. Lars telling James that he's being self centered is, ironically, the most self centered thing I've ever heard a rock musician say. Kirk Hammett almost seems to have Stockholm Syndrome. He seems so kowtowed by the two leaders makes me believe he feels he couldn't do anything on his own and he is stuck. Which may very well be true but it's hard to watch. The entire thing is hard to watch. 40 something year old millionaires attempting to be angry teenagers is unflattering and frankly embarrassing. After the release of the documentary and the horrible album that came from these sessions, Metallica attempted to release another album on which they "went back to their roots". It was no better. Now in 2016 and a full eight years since their last new music was released, Metallica is for all intents and purposes on par with the current lineup of KISS. Going out flogging the hits, being the world's greatest Metallica cover band. Jason Newsted left the band just as SKOM was being filmed. He made enough money in Metallica that he can do what he wants with his time and talent now with no concern over cash. For Metallica it's all about the money. Sad But True.
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