Gods of Egypt (2016)
Wow, this is pretty bad.
25 February 2016
I am a huge fan of Egypt, and if you are to then don't bother to go see this flick. Casting Gerard Butler as Set is like casting Morgan Freeman as Jason Voorhees. They don't go together at all and Gerard's acting is just way over the top. All the actresses in this film are incredibly bland...so it's balancing out as shite on the scale so far.

Then there's the CGI...holy cow is there CGI. I believe this film has more of it than the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy combined. Not joking. I bet there's CGI in every single freaking scene of the movie! It really started to feel like my eyes were going to burn out of my sockets after almost an hour of watching it...and then getting a headache knowing I still had an hour more to sit through.

The main character is an idiot and is also terribly bland. I think the only *kind of tolerable* character was Horus...even then I knew this movie was doomed. I just sat there tapping my fingers on my seat as the credits rolled by slowly. The movie theater was almost packed yet nobody clapped. Me and an elder woman booed. I wouldn't have been surprised if anybody else would have joined me if they weren't with their girlfriends or boyfriends or 12 year old kids.

Don't go see this movie. I am shocked at how much it costed to make and have a feeling it's going to be a bomb. I'm sorry, but I predict it. Go see any other movie, but stay clear from this one.
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